Tuesday 27 August 2013

Pumpkin Soup

The children are back at school here in Zurich and the glorious weather we experienced over the Summer has become very Autumnal. I was embarrassingly excited after spotting the first load of Swiss pumpkins arriving in the Supermarket this week. We tried very hard to grow pumpkins in our vegetable garden this year but the slugs had other ideas for us.

So anyways, I'm relying on Migros, Coop and Jucker Farm to help keep our family stocked up. This was our first pumpkin soup of the season. I'll try to share the recipe but I fear I am not great with measurements. This may improve with time!

A tablespoon of olive oil for frying
Half a small sized pumpkin (skin peeled off, seeds removed, chopped into 3cm pieces)
1 small onion (finely chopped)
a dash of mild curry powder
a dash of cinammon
a fine grating of fresh nutmeg (grate until you can smell it!)
half a can of coconut milk
200ml chicken stock

Heat the oil and then fry the onion slowly until transluscent. Then add the pumpkin and the spices and fry gently for around 10 minutes until the pumpkin is going a little squodgy (is that an actual word?). Then add the coconut milk and the chicken stock. The liquid should only just cover the pumpkin. Bring to the boil, bring down to a simmer and put a lid on your pan. Leave for about 20 minutes. Check now and then that it's not sticking to the bottom and there's enough liquid. Take off the heat, leave to cool for a bit and then liquidise. I like the consistency to be slightly thick like baby food but maybe that's just me. Season to taste and reheat if you like it hot rather than warm. Enjoy!

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